With the boom in power electronics, press-fit technology gained a new dynamic due to significantly lower contact resistances than soldered joints. This is an unbeatable advantage when using several hundred amperes on printed circuit boards. As a result, more and more inductors, relays, power semiconductors and other power electronics components are entering the market as press-fit versions. Ersa took this market development as an opportunity to develop its own system.
The Ersa VERSAFIT 500 is an effective, highly flexible inline system with which the competitiveness of press-fit technology in electronics production can be massively increased. The alternative connection technology can significantly reduce production costs and dramatically improve assembly quality. At the heart of the system is the servo-electric press cylinder, which can be precisely controlled and monitored in terms of force and travel. The VERSAFIT 500 aims to achieve maximum performance and maximize quality, reliability and throughput - it is a real booster for customers´ competitiveness!
In order to meet the requirements for high flexibility, the VERSAFIT 500 has a magazine for a wide variety of press-fit tools. The user defines the tool change and its selection and orientation - as well as the associated process parameters - in the control program. The programs are selected and activated by coding the assembly or the workpiece carrier.
The assemblies are positioned under the press tool using a high-precision x/y table, which is also the transport system for the assemblies. Programming is based on automatic placement machines. The position of the components on the assembly determines the positioning of the x/y table under the press cylinder. The number of pins per component and the geometry of the press-fit zones result in the press force, the recording of which, depending on the stamping path, produces the force-path diagram of the component.
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