The following day a distance of 850 km was travelled to the second location in Valence, where the Ersa roadshow opened its gates on 15 March. Based on experience gained from earlier road shows both locations have proven as perfect destinations due to the large number of potential and existing customers.
An interesting and diversified program was offered to approximately 45 visitors: The morning focused on technical presentations covering “Industry 4.0” or the current product highlights such as the “VERSAPRINT 2 ULTRA³”. Interflux presented the benefits of their new low-temperature solder called Interflux LMPA™.
The theoretical part was followed by the practical session. This year, the VERSAPRINT 2 ULTRA³ stencil printer, the VERSAFLOW 4/55 and SMARTFLOW 2020 selective soldering systems as well as the HR600/2 rework system were presented in live demonstrations to the visitors. They were particularly impressed by our new highlight, the VERSAPRINT 2 stencil printer with 3D-inspection (ULTRA³). Several visitors are already planning to visit our demo center in Wertheim in order to test their own products.
A special highlight for all interested visitors was a price draw of three i-CON NANO soldering stations. This little event put a smile on all winner’s faces.
Rémy Lutz, Area Sales Manager with Ersa France was very pleased about the event: “The big advantage of such an event is the possibility to consider the needs and problems of each individual visitor. This kind of an “open day” event is well received by the customers. In addition we received considerable positive feedback for our Ersa team - our visitors showed great enthusiasm about the impressive appearance which demonstrated that Ersa is a reliable partner for them.“